Well I knew that the day would come when I had to make the trip to the ER without Justin for stitches for one of the kids. One little fall off the bar stool at dinner made for quite the eventful night. Just as we were finishing up dinner trying to get the kids ready to go to a babysitters so I could go to young women's Andrew took a dive off the bar stool and cut his chin really deep. Thank goodness for family, my sister was eager to take Ashlee off my hands so we get get Andrew's chin stitched up. Andrew did amazingly well!! (Mom survived too!)
Sorry- no before the stitches shot, too gory and a little too crazy at that moment for pics
I caught a glimpse and caught this on camera-- my babe had climbed up on to her rocking chair, plopped herself down, found a book and began to "read". She just looked so old. She's 14 1/2 months old and her personality is blossoming! She loves to snuggle, giggle until shes blue and drooling, wrestle on the floor with Dad and big brother Drew, eat fruit as fast as she can and she's always found folding her arms whenever a prayer is said. What can I say-- I love her to pieces! She brings me such joy-- there's just nothing like being a mom =)
Well Ashlee has been looking so grown-up to me then I put some "school clothes" and a backpack on Andrew and I almost died. Andrew was happy to pose for the camera and show off his new clothes. (He insisted on having one picture in the pose below) Without hesitation he ran right in and when I came back 2 1/2 hours later I asked if he had fun, he said "no, because I didn't get to stay very long! I think he's already for 1st grade-- staying at school all day. He also has joined a little neighborhood soccer club. Between soccer and preschool, he's in 7th heaven!
Well after 8 years, the good OLD Nissan FINALLY did not pass emissions and safety and despite Justin's best mechanical efforts, he was not able to fix it!! (It's about time ;)). The Nissan has served us well since back into our dating days. When dating, we enjoyed watching many sunsets in it from the mountain side. It was the truck that I learned to drive stick in. It has hauled many mountain bikes, landscaping mulch, neighbors' "stuff" and more. We love the Nissan and have been happy to enjoy car payment free days. (However, now that it's leaving, I can look more easily past the broken A/C, peeling paint, dinged up bumpers, and the radio face that has to be taped on to stay-- to name a few things)
So after much looking, negotiating, traveling the entire valley (and beyond) and getting sworn at by a mean used car salesmen we found a replacement. Justin actually found it at a dealership in Lincoln Nebraska while he had some free time on a trip. It was an awesome deal (or at least the dealer convinced us it was) and they threw in the shipping-- so we sealed the deal. So If the last truck which Justin bought as a student and was junk yard material lasted 8 years, I'm sure this one is going to stick around for a long time. Here it is (or one that looks very similar. Justin's at work so I can't take a pic of it)
The Old: The Nissan