Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Full-time SAHM!

It's official-- I'm now a full-time SAHM! I love nursing and think it's a very rewarding job, but I am thrilled to get to stay at home full-time with my kiddos. Really-- who wouldn't want to be home and be the full-time recipient of this kind of slobery love!


Eric and Amy said...

Congratulations! I am sure it was a bitter decision. I'm sure you're an amazing nurse, and my guess is saying goodbye wasn't easy. I'll secretly admit I've been so jealous all this time that you had your "you" time...even though technically it wasn't "you" time. But I always feel so recharged when I get even an hour to myself every now and then. Welcome to the club. It's amazing...and so exhausting!

Suz said...

Yay! I know it probably feels good just to have a decision made. And I agree- it would be hard to leave behind those slobbery kisses :)

Don, jaymie, 4 cute kids said...

I'm glad you joined us as a stay at home mom, now the trick is don't get lost under the laundry at your house, make sure you get a break SOMETIMES...and no the grocery store alone doesn't count.

Kath said...

Congrats Rachel!!! :) How are you going to celebrate?

the child family said...

Wow, I haven't even started my nirsing career and I already envy you! After being away from my family for much of the past year due to school, I am soaking in all the family lovin' I can get before I start working. Have fun with those cuties!

Rochelle said...

oh Rachel congrats! You've joined us! ha ha. Awesome. I think there is always a time for that again, right! We'll help each other out! Loved all your pics and posts. Cutest kids. And those pics of Tony Grove. beautiful!!!