Thursday, August 6, 2009

Will I ever blog again?

Wow, it's 10:30pm and I finally had time to pee again since this morning! (I have a nurse's bladder that comes in handy as a mom too.) It's been a day of lots of laundry, breaking up fighting children, rocking, rocking, rocking and more rocky of baby that doesn't want to drift off to sleep like a little newborn anymore! I'm so far behind on blogging, that I'm sure I'll never catch up, so here are a few things I should be blogging about, but can't find the time:

~preschool graduation (see I'm REALLY behind)
~Trip to Park City for swimming, biking and shopping over memorial day weekend
~Ashlee turned 3!!! Finally her birthday came. She's been talking about it since her little friend had her's back in January.
~Month of July full of family visitors!
~Trip to Bear Lake for annual Todd family reunion
~Addison's rolling all over at 3 1/2 months!

I know there must be more, but really this summer has been so fun and crazy that it's all kind of a blur..... I think we're surviving 3 kids, but just barely. Major kudos to those of you who have gone beyond 3. Well time to switch the last load of laundry and jump in bed!


Nicole said...

Kudos to you! You're a great mom and "surviving" 3 kids very gracefully.

Eric and Amy said...

Bravo for being a great mom and getting it done, no matter how tired you are ;). Eric's mom had 6 kids...can you imagine??!! Seriously! I get tired with my 2! :) So glad to hear life is going good and that you've had a great summer. You guys are doing the kindergarten thing this year too, right? I'm so excited and scared at the same time. Our kids are getting old...and that means we're getting old too ;).

Don, jaymie, 4 cute kids said...

So good to hear from you. I was worried. Dont worry 3 IS alot. You'll get the hang of it...I sort of have. Summer is busy anyway.

Kysha said...

I was laughing at your peeing comment. When I suddenly have to go SO bad, I realize I haven't gone all day. You're a great mom, with fun happy kids.