Thursday, April 23, 2009

One-Handed Wonder

I have realized (remembered) that a new mom has to become a one-handed wonder. Between nursing nearly constantly around the clock and then holding this sweet angel that tends to be a bit fussy on the off times, I have become quite handy with one hand, often the wrong hand. Here are a few things I have been mastering with one hand:

~cracking eggs
~blogging (including this post)
~photo editing of my baby
~reading (yes, I am actually reading. I'm reading this book and enjoying it)
~applying make-up
~eating (most meals it seems)
~paying bills

My days are pretty low key with not high expectations for now. Thankfully this phase will pass and that I am blessed with two hands! Here are a few of my "one-handed" edit pics- Addie at 3 weeks:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Almost 3 Weeks Down...and a Happy Easter

2+ weeks down, 150+ diapers used, probably 12 hours a day spent on nursing this sweet child every 2 hours around the clock, lots of hugs, kisses and holding from siblings, not much spit up and "colicky" crying [yet?], one very happy, but tired mommy!! What a roller coaster it is having a baby, but worth every moment and I knew it would be from the second I saw her-- our little Addie. I love being a mom. I love it even more at this moment because she has been sleeping for the past 2 1/2 hours and let me enjoy a peaceful dinner with the kids and think that maybe I can survive the next 3 days while Justin is at work.

Here's Addie, sleeping away the holiday fun. She loves the bouncer chair on the vibrate mode. She sleeps so much better this way than the bassinet that I usually have her sleep here at night.

Despite having a new baby, we managed to get in most of the Easter traditions in-- the annual Easter Egg Hunt a the city park and decorating eggs. We had a yummy dinner at my parents and the Easter Bunny even found our house. I even managed to pull my self out of bed to get Ashlee's hair done for Easter Sunday. It was a little weird missing the big Easter Sunday church, but enjoyed a quiet relaxing morning at home with the baby. I treated myself to a very hot bath now that I'm not prego and my incision is healed up and a nap! And, of course enjoyed some Easter candy. Thumbs up to Easter egg Reese's Peanut butter Cups, not sure why Peeps are so popular!?! Happy Easter! And, hopefully spring will follow shortly.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Welcome Baby Addison!

I can't believe a week has already passed! Addison was born March 27th at 7:59 am by c-section. She weighed 6 lbs 9 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. She is healthy and doing well. We are all so excited to have her join the family. So far she sleeps, eats and poops a lot-- I guess all good and normal stuff. I think that this c-section has been an easier recovery this time. I definitely have found it difficult to find some time on the computer-- sorry it took so long to post these pictures! Enjoy the pics!