Monday, April 7, 2008

*Day 6*


Justin was getting ready to head out the door to work when the kids starting climbing on his carry-on luggage. Justin grabbed the strap and started taking them for a ride. It made me smile and I thought this was photo worthy and grabbed snapshot.

"Don't leave dad!"

Then, we followed Justin out the door to go for a walk when Justin suggested to Andrew to give the bike without training wheels another try. And, whooo! Andrew did it!


1 comment:

Nicole said...

I love this 31 days of pictures idea. I really wanted to take you up on the challenge, but I am finding that I call it a successful day if I can get Aidan up and dressed, me showered and dressed, and both of us fed and relatively well rested. Thus, maybe I can do the 31 day challenge once my transition phase to mommy is more established. I love these pictures of your kids with Justin. I can hear Andrew and Ashley laughing. And way to go Andrew!